Trump’s merit-based immigration system may benefit Indian IT professionals


The US President Donald Trump recently announced to support the legislation which would cut out half of the legal immigrants residing in US and move to a merit based system that mostly favours the English-speaking skilled workers for residency cards.

If the act gets passed by the Congress and is converted into a law, the legislation titled the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act could benefit highly-educated and technology professionals from countries like India.

This act will eliminate the current lottery system for immigrating into the US and the criteria undertaken would be English language skills, education, high- paying job offers and age.

“The RAISE Act will reduce poverty, increase wages, and save taxpayers billions and billions of dollars. It will do this by changing the way the US issues Green Cards to nationals from other countries. Green Cards provide permanent residency, work authorisation, and fast track to citizenship,” Trump said. -PTI